Welcome to K9 Play and Train!

Rudy W. Arocha- Certified Canine Behavior Specialist

Rudy has been a dog lover for as long as he can remember.  He has always had a way with dogs.  Even the dogs that were said to not like anyone, seemed to like Rudy.  Being somewhat of a dog geek, Rudy read everything he could get his hands on and with the invention of the internet he got even deeper into the weeds learning about dogs.   He soon found that there was such an abundance of information that it became intimidating even for a dog lover like Rudy.   So, he sought out a way to get the much-needed information out to the people who needed it the most, the average dog owner.  He developed a training program that helps people understand their dogs at not just a foundational level, but at a level that seemed to open the potential for fantastic relationships between owners and their dogs.   He speaks the language of dogs and not only translates it to you, but he also teaches you to TALK DOG! 

His goal in life is to teach as many people as possible to be their own dog trainer.  After all almost no one was ever taught how to raise a dog.  We simply got one and hoped for the best.

Although Rudy can teach basic obedience, “he’ll tell you, “No one has ever asked for his help because their dog wouldn’t SIT!   He addresses the real-life issues that sometimes can cause a dog to end up in a shelter.   We teach our dogs every day of their lives, if you know it or not.  He figures since our dogs have designated us as their guide through life in this human world, we ought to learn what we are doing. 

Let him help you to learn what he has learned over decades of working with and studying dogs.  His simple approach to communicating with your dog and giving human life equivalent scenarios to explain how your dog sees things.  You will see that it’s not only interesting but really drives home why your dogs do the odd things dogs sometimes do.  You will learn to understand your dog on a whole new level and might allow you to never need the help of a trainer again.    

  His wish for your family is to have the relationship with your dog that you imagined when you opened your home to a pup.

The K9 Play and Train staff!